And Weissmann gave him a new name, Ash Carbide.

He implemented their curse into the boy’s left eye, making sure the kid would be constantly reminded to “kill the worst one”, and manipulated the kid’s memorie so he would think he ran from the Hamel Tragedy barefooted and gave him enough knowledge to have reasons to harbour grudges against both the empire itself and the tragedy’s instigator(‘s son), Lechter. In preparation of at least the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, Weissmann revived one of the dead children in Hamel using a sinful technique he learnt through the Black Workshop. It was a good partnership: their goals for the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, which would be executed after completion of the Gospel Plan, lined up with the Black Workshop’s aim to commence the Great Twilight. Ouroboros was already working with the Black Workshop. Watching Hamel burn, Weissmann realised that this burning village would provide the perfect material for Ouroboros’s next plan: the Phantasmal Blaze Plan. The Hamel Tragedy would spawn a war with Liberl, which would end up in Liberl’s annexation in the Erebonian Empire – Osborne’s predecessor as chancellor would have been a breeze to manipulate, so Liberl’s annexation would work advantageously for the Gospel Plan to obtain the Aureole. Although technically still a bishop, Weissmann had been working with Ouroboros since before his excommunication. While Hamel was burning down to a crisp, Weissmann came to witness the fruit of his labours. Lechter’s father, in turn, had his anxiety over his position within the army abused and manipulated by none other than the Third Anguis of Ouroboros, Georg Weissmann.

The division within the army referred to in SC‘s localisation as “war hawks”. Jaeger drop-outs did the dirty work, but they were hired by the commander of the 13rd Armored Division, Rudolf Arundel.
Trails in the sky tale of loewe series#
The Hamel Tragedy was the result of a series of negotiations and manipulations.

That’s because I think, like Aliseyun, that this “third orphan” was killed alongside his parents, but revived in the tragedy’s aftermath. Convoluted as it may seem, now there’s suddenly a “third orphan” (Falcom’s quotation marks). Until Sen no Kiseki III, fans have been led to believe that only two inhabitants of Hamel survived the Tragedy of April 23rd, 1192. As such, there will be much overlap between our theories. Like Aliseyun, I think Ash Carbide is the Seventh Awakener. Unconvinced by any of the theories so far, including my own, I will share my thoughts on the matter. Almost ten months have passed since the long-awaited Sen no Kiseki III hit Japanese shelves, but I have yet to formulate my theory based on the conundrum everyone immediately addresses - other than the one whether ‘he’ survived.